Mage and Monsters
- PC / Cheat Engine Table- Game Data - [ Active, Need Pause And Resume ]
- pBase - [ Color Silver Don't Chance ]
- Type BYTE - 0 = OFF / 1 = ON
- Round Over?
- Game Paused?
- In Combat?
- Extra Gold Upgrades?
- Spell Selected?
- Can Choose Upgrade?
- Use Best Available Units?
- Can Bless?
- Can Cast Spells?
- Learned Fire Tornado?
- Learned Chain Lightning?
- Learned Chain Heal?
- Learned Impending Doom?
- Learned Tranquility?
- Learned Rain Of Death?
- Learned Bless?
- Learned Toxic Blast?
- Learned Summon Ranged?
- learnedSummonMelee
- canSummon
- spellCursorActive
- learnedFrostShock
- checkWhoWonTriggered
- showHealthbarsWounded
- blessUlti
- chainLightningNormalBounces
- chainLightningExtraBounces
- chainLightningExtraBouncesTwo
- chainLightningMaxBounces
- canDoom
- doomHalfDamage
- fireTornadoExplode
- spawnedTwice
- procellusChosen
- astrinaChosen
- iscarChosen
- medelaChosen
- efferoChosen
- sinonChosen
- exekiasChosen
- geryonChosen
- enteredArena
- atShopScreen
- toxicBlastSpellOne
- toxicBlastSpellTwo
- toxicBlastSpellThree
- toxicBlastSpellFour
- rainOfDeathSpellOne
- rainOfDeathSpellTwo
- rainOfDeathSpellThree
- rainOfDeathSpellFour
- blessSpellOne
- blessSpellTwo
- blessSpellThree
- blessSpellFour
- summonMeleeSpellOne
- summonMeleeSpellTwo
- summonMeleeSpellThree
- summonMeleeSpellFour
- summonRangedSpellOne
- summonRangedSpellTwo
- summonRangedSpellThree
- summonRangedSpellFour
- tornadoSpellOne
- tornadoSpellTwo
- tornadoSpellThree
- tornadoSpellFour
- doomSpellOne
- doomSpellTwo
- doomSpellThree
- doomSpellFour
- healingWaveSpellOne
- healingWaveSpellTwo
- healingWaveSpellThree
- healingWaveSpellFour
- chainLightningSpellOne
- chainLightningSpellTwo
- chainLightningSpellThree
- chainLightningSpellFour
- frostShockSpellOne
- frostShockSpellTwo
- frostShockSpellThree
- frostShockSpellFour
- frostShockBought
- tornadoBought
- brutal
- insane
- impossible
- impossiblePlusOne
- impossiblePlusTwo
- impossiblePlusThree
- impossiblePlusFour
- impossiblePlusFive
- impossiblePlusSix
- extraUpgradeSpinBought
- moreTierOneUnits
- moreTierTwoUnits
- moreTierThreeUnits
- moreTierFourUnits
- moreTierFiveUnits
- quickFadeBool
- quickFadeBoolTwo
- quickFadeBoolThree
- tornadoSoundPlayed
- showClickForUnitOptions
- freeBloodShards
- C\urrent Gold
- Spell Rank Available
- Melee Damage Upgrade
- Ranged Damage Upgrade
- Health Upgrade
- Extra Upgrade Option
- Spell Damage Upgrade
- Spell Cooldown Upgrade
- Shoot Range Upgrade
- Current Unit Tier
- Current Food
- Max Food
- Rain Of Death Damage
- Impending Doom Damage
- Toxic Blast Damage
- Toxic Blast DOT Damage
- totalGoldEarned
- blessBonusDamage
- blessHeal
- chainLightningDamage
- fireTornadoDuration
- fireTornadoDamage
- healingWaveHeal
- healingWaveHOT
- healingWaveBaseJumps
- healingWaveMaxJumps
- blessReduction
- blessDuration
- centaurDamage
- frostShockFreezeDuration
- frostShockDamage
- shardSoulUnits
- dwarvenWarriors
- elvenWarriors
- elvenArchers
- footmen
- cultists
- dwarvenWarriorsUsed
- elvenWarriorsUsed
- archersUsed
- cultistsUsed
- alchemists
- bandits
- centaurs
- miners
- healers
- footmenUsed
- cherubs
- plagueDoctors
- knights
- apprentices
- gladiators
- alchemistsUsed
- banditsUsed
- centaursUsed
- minersUsed
- healersUsed
- cherubsUsed
- plagueDoctorsUsed
- knightsUsed
- gladiatorsUsed
- apprenticesUsed
- numberOfSpells
- rainOfDeathLevel
- blessLevel
- toxicBlastLevel
- fireTornadoLevel
- chainLightningLevel
- impendingDoomLevel
- healingWaveLevel
- summonRangedLevel
- summonMeleeLevel
- astrinaBonusFireDamage
- procellusCooldownReduction
- frostShockLevel
- elvenWarriorsWaveOne
- dwarvenWarriorsWaveOne
- archersWaveOne
- elvenWarriorsSpawned
- dwarvenWarriorsSpawned
- archersSpawned
- cultistsSpawned
- footmenSpawned
- storeElvenWarriorsUsed
- storeDwarvenWarriorsUsed
- storeArchersUsed
- storeCultistsUsed
- storeFootmenUsed
- nextNameNumber
- banditsSpawned
- alchemistsSpawned
- centaursSpawned
- minerSpawned
- healersSpawned
- storeBanditsUsed
- storeAlchemistsUsed
- storeCentaursUsed
- storeMinersUsed
- storeHealersUsed
- knightsSpawned
- plagueDoctorsSpawned
- cherubsSpawned
- gladiatorsSpawned
- apprenticesSpawned
- storeKnightsUsed
- storePlagueDoctorsUsed
- storeCherubsUsed
- storeGladiatorsUsed
- storeApprenticesUsed
- golems
- griffins
- royalGuards
- paladins
- archAngels
- frostGiants
- dwarvenConstructs
- golemsUsed
- griffinsUsed
- cyclopsUsed
- royalGuardsUsed
- paladinsUsed
- archAngelsUsed
- frostGiantsUsed
- dwarvenConstructsUsed
- cyclops
- golemsSpawned
- griffinsSpawned
- royalGuardsSpawned
- paladinsSpawned
- archAngelsSpawned
- frostGiantsSpawned
- dwarvenConstructsSpawned
- cyclopsSpawned
- storeGolemsUsed
- storeGriffinsUsed
- storeRoyalGuardsUsed
- storePaladinsUsed
- storeArchAngelsUsed
- storeFrostGiantsUsed
- storeDwarvenConstructsUsed
- storeCyclopsUsed
- freezeExtraDamage
- exekiasFriendlyFireReduction
- timeBetweenFriendlySpawns
- ingameMeleeUpgradeNumber
- ingameHealthUpgradeNumber
- ingameCooldownUpgradeNumber
- ingameSpellDamageUpgradeNumber
- ingameRangedUpgradeNumber
- healingUpgrade
- extraGoldEachRound
- storeSummonCooldown
- blessBonusHealth
- difficultyMultiplier
- meleeLifesteal
- storeSummonCD
- dwarfMS
- elvenWarriorMS
- archerMS
- cultistMS
- footmanMS
- banditMS
- alchemistMS
- centaurMS
- priestMS
- minerMS
- knightMS
- apprenticeMS
- cherubMS
- plaguedoctorms
- gladiatorms
- golemms
- griffinms
- paladinms
- royalguardms
- frostgiantms
- archangelms
- constructms
- cyclopms
- unitsSpawned
- shortspawn
- mediumspawn
- longspawn
- verylongspawn
- elfDodge
- cultistCritChance
- cultistCritDamage
- footmanBlock
- healingWaveReducedDamage
- currentLevel
- playerSpawnPosition
- enemySpawnPosition
- rangedSpawnPosition
- cursorMode
- hotSpot
- currentBloodShards
- dwarfsBoughtBonus
- archersBoughtBonus
- maxRangeBoughtBonus
- projectilesBoughtBonus
- goldBoughtBonus
- healthBoughtBonus
- spellDamageBoughtBonus
- healingBoughtBonus
- cooldownBoughtBonus
- shopCooldownBought
- bloodShardsEarned
- chosenDifficulty
Table by CannonFodder
mageandmonsters.ct [459.98 Kb] (downloads: 1)
How to Run:
- Run Cheat Engine, “Load” and select the table
- “Select a process to open”, select the Game process.
- Select option, put a cross.
- You can download Cheat Engine here.