Sword Art Online: Last Recollection
- PC / Cheat Engine TableStatic Pointers:
- Cash: This is how the money is called in this game.
- Skill Points
- Characters Pointers: The characters have static pointers, for their Visualize, EXP, Level, and Friendship.
Dynamic Pointers:
- Character Stats(Only ControlledChar): The pointers only work for the character you are currently controlling. I haven't found yet for the other party members. It includes: Hp, HpMax, Sp, SpMax, Stamina, StaminaMax, Mp (?), MpMax(?), Exp (Visual Only), Lv (Visual Only. Your Rank is always shown as 20+ from what you see in-game), MagicLv (?), MagicExp (?). The ones marked with a (?) are ones I haven't found in-game use yet, but since I found them labeled as such, I decided to add them just in case.
- Character Movement: Jump Height, Move Speed (It goes back to normal if you don't freeze the value at the speed you want), Move Speed Crouched (Untested because I don't know how to crouch in-game), Swim Speed (Untested), Fly Speed (Untested),Custom Movement Speed (Not sure what this actually does), Max Acceleration (Untested). They all got a dropwdown with their original value marked as Standard.
- CustomTimeDilation: I am not sure what this does since I haven't been able to test it yet.
- Buff (?):I am not sure what this pointer does yet.
- Hazard Gauge:Three Pointers related to the Hazard Gauge including Max and Current.
- Emergency Avoid Gauge:Three Pointers related to the Emergency AvoidGauge including Max and Current.
- Ability List (?):Not sure what this does yet.
- Ally Skills Gauge (Super Arts Gauge):Three Pointers related to the Ally Skills Gauge (Super Arts Gauge) including Max and Current.
Highlighted Item:
- Allows edition of quantity and stats of any item
- It includes dropdowns, if you find a value that is missing, post it so it can be added
- You can also change the skills attached to the item. Dropdown included.
- Infinite Ally Gauge
- Infinite Sp
- 1 Hit Kill
- God Mode: Don't receive damage anymore, be always at full HP
- Auto Kill Everything: It will kill any enemy that spawns, but those already spawned will remain. You won't receive any exp, but chests will be unlocked once the monsters die.
- God Mode + Auto Kill Everything: Those two can't be activated at the same time to work, so this version is to have both simoultaneously.
Table by a_busy_man
sao_lr-win64-shipping.ct [4.91 Mb] (downloads: 1)
How to Run:
- Run Cheat Engine, “Load” and select the table
- “Select a process to open”, select the Game process.
- Select option, put a cross.
- You can download Cheat Engine here.