Alan Wake 2
- Trainer / Cheat Engine Tableundead
- health still drop when being hit but you won't die.
ignore ammo clip
- allows you to fire your gun with emptied clip.
- clip would still be emptied as you fire your gun.
inf. ammo pouch
- ammo pouch won't drop below the max clip size.
- tested on the handgun and saw-off shotgun.
ignore battery
- allows you to reload the flash light without any battery in your inventory.
- battery quantity still drop until it reaches zero.
rapid fire
- tested on raw handgun only.
- allows you to fire next shot in immediate succession.
slower walk
- when activated, you'd walk a little bit slower, which is very subtle, most likely you'd notice the change only if you walk diagonally with keyboard and mouse.
- also allows you to do a slow walk by holding a specified key, default: CapsLock Key.
UPD: 31.12.2023
Table by Cielos
alanwake2.ct [388.08 Kb] (downloads: 3)
How to Run:
- Run Cheat Engine, “Load” and select the table
- “Select a process to open”, select the Game process.
- Select option, put a cross.
- You can download Cheat Engine here.