Cafe Master Story
- PC / Cheat Engine TableResearch Point [Random Number]
- Will set your research point to high random number
2. Money
- Script 1: Will set your money to high random number
- Script 2: Will set your money to high random number but you need to use money first
- Script 3: Money Pointer, Can't change value
3. Add 10.000 Charm to Object [Place Environment]
- All Environment Bonus / Charm will add by +10.000
- Activate script then place some environment
- Will affect your Popularity. High Charm = High Popularity
4. Staff Pointer [Open Staff Level Up Menu]
- Level
- Skill: Like Coffe Master, Tea Master, Pro Chef, and Etc.
- Skill Level: Max Level 3
- Stat: You can edit Service, Affinity, Cooking, and Tester
- Other dаta: No Need to Edit this but you can edit if you want
5. Popularity Pointer [Can't Change Value]
Can't change the value, you can use Add 10.000 Charm to Object [Place Environment] to boost Popularity
6. All Facility to 90 [Open Place Menu]
- Will set all facility quantity to 90
- Facility with no number will be set to 90
7. Facility Pointer [Open Facility Status]
- Quality, Charm, Customer Compatibility, Maintenance Cost
- Address will change randomly, but try to look facility info for different facility to make value appear
8. Unlock All Item [Open Facility -> Use Item]
- Will Unlock All Item for Upgrade Facility
9. Pumpkin Shop
- Pumpkin Shop Stock to 90 [Open Pumpkin Shop]
- Pumpkin Shop Item to 90 [Move between Item]
UPD: 29.10.2023
Table by lmrlmax
kairogames.ct [114.92 Kb] (downloads: 2)
How to Run:
- Run Cheat Engine, “Load” and select the table
- “Select a process to open”, select the Game process.
- Select option, put a cross.
- You can download Cheat Engine here.