Dino Crisis (SourceNext)
- PC / Cheat Engine Table1) One Hit Kill: One shots all dinosaurs, doesn't work against scripted encounters (e.g. TRex in chief's office).
2) Infinite Health: Self explanatory, also auto heals bleeding.
3) Infinite Ammo Count: Every shot sets inventory stored ammo type items to 99.
4) Infinite Consumables: Similar to Infinite Ammo Count, it sets all consumables to 99 when used.
5) Speed Hack: Doubles character's delta to increase walk/run speed.
6) Unlock All Emergency Boxes: All coloured emergency boxes are automatically unlocked and each collection type can be accessed by a box of a respective colour (e.g. open a red box to access all red boxes from the "Access" menu).
7) Unlock All key Items: Gives all key items, even dummy/test ones. Didn't test it properly, may corrupt a game run, use at your own risk.
8) Add All Weapons: Adds all weapon types to the inventory.
9) Enemy Won't Attack Player: Dinosaurs won't attack the character, didn't test extensively.
10) Timer Always 0: In Game Timer always 0.
11) No Clip: All characters/dinosaurs can walk through walls.
12) Open Save Menu: Prompts the Save Dialogue anywhere, but reloads the room when processed.
13) Trigger Ending 2: Triggers the Ending 2 scene, instantly completing the game with the current score/time (didn't dig enough to find other endings).
UPD: 05.02.2024
Table by EyeOfTheMind86
dino.ct [48.98 Kb] (downloads: 3)