Assassins Creed 3
- PC / Cheat Engine Table Skip Bink video; enable it before video openings. it hooks the bink2w64::OpenBink function. you can set the "Total Fame" to 0 to end the current playing video. this strategy can be done in any other game; get the RAX and use the provided structure to get the Total Fames offset.
Skip non-Bink Credits; the game has another method of showing credits. like in Options->Credits. enable before triggering the credits. after a few seconds credits will end. anyway, this was experimental.
Unlock all assassins; Abilities wont be unlocked. New York assassins wont be spawned until New York is accessible.
Assassins always available.
Assassins will instantly reach "Assassin" level.
Found some debug functions in game and could call some of them without debugContext (i think) object:
Unlock_And_Gain_All_Weapons; must be executed after restarts and loading. you can select weapons in weapon wheel.
Unlock_all_outfits_and_tints; must be executed after restarts and loading.
Table by reverser69
assassins-creed-iii-remastered-1_03_aob_table.ct [48.37 Kb] (downloads: 0)