- Trainer / Cheat Engine TableHow it works:
-Download the attached and unzip it
-Copy the .dll next to the .exe:
-Launch the game as usual and you will see this:
DLL is made for the Steam version ,but should also work for the GamePass ( just make sure that you choose a custom install path, so the folder is not proteced )
Press 2x F2 to open the big console, now you can execute console commands:
FOV <Amount> Slomo <Amount> InvertMouse ToggleDebugCamera DebugWindow Dropitem <Name> <Amount> CaptureAllEnemy GetRelic <Amount> KillAllEnemy SleepAllEnemy AddGameTime_Hours <Amount> ShowHud <bShow> TeleportToSafePoint_ToServer StartFlyToServer EndFlyToServer ServerPause SetSpectatorMode <bSpectator>
Here is my list of the most useful items, you can directly copy and paste them into the console ( press CTRL+V to paste them in ) -> ( )
Table Options:
100% Capture Rate
-as title says
-no damage for player and player-pals
Player+Pals No Hunger
-as title says, won't work for pals that are already starving!
Get Monster (Party Mouse-Over)
-enable the script and go to your party view
-now hover over any pal to populate the pointers
-you can also execute scripts here:
Swap Pal ID:
-opens a dropdown list and you can choose a pal from a list
-after swapping you will need to re-load your savegame to see the full effect ( e.g init the new pal class )
-I would recommend to make a backup of your current world, before you swap pals, just to make sure!
-save/world data is in AppData\Local\Pal\Saved\SaveGames
Add Active Skill:
-opens a dropdown list and you can choose any skill you want
Reset All Active Skills:
-as title says, resets all active skills to "empty"
note: you may have to close and re-open the party screen again to see the results if you add or reset active skills!
Big thanks to @Sejuth for his pal names contribution, I've added his list to the table.
If you want to see the real names of the monsters, take a look at his list here:
viewtopic.php?p=331557&sid=1b8b29a2a455 ... e1#p331557
-as title says
-use space to go up
-use shift to go down
-important note: it has a small chance to cause a cash on enable or disable, unfortunately there is not much I can do coz it's related to the way how cheat engine handels threads!
-if you want a 100% stable NoClip then use the SetSpectatorMode 1 console command ( SetSpectatorMode 0 to disable )
Save Player Position
-stores the current player position
Load Player Position
-teleports the player to the saved position from the Save Player Position script
-Walk Speed
-Sprint Speed
-Tech Points
-Ancient Tech Points
-Status Points
-Max MP
-Stomach Decrease Rate
Table by cfemen
palworld-win64-shipping_0120.ct [41.11 Kb] (downloads: 1) [81.59 Kb] (downloads: 1)