Remnant 2
- Trainer / Cheat Engine Table- Patch Exec Flag
- allows to execute functions with the console
- Enable Console
- as title says, you can open the console with the ~Tilde key
- Set Console-Key To F1
- use this in case you can't open the console with Tilde coz of your keyboard layout
- Cheat Manager
- constructs the cheat manager, you need to execute this in the main menu
- Try Give Resource
- script opens a input field that needs the follow format: Item|Amount
- Example:
- Material_Scraps_C|100 = will add to the inventory 100 scrap parts.
List of Resources.
- Material_Scraps_C
- Material_Iron_C
- Material_ForgedIron_C
- Material_GalvanizedIron_C
- Material_HardenedIron_C
- Material_LumeniteCrystal_C
- Material_LumeniteCorrupted_C
- Material_RelicDust_C
- Material_TomeOfKnowledge_C
Note: the script can only give you the item if the class is loaded by unreal!
That means you probably can't spawn high tier resources from the beginning!
Note 2: using this script will cause that the game crashes if you go back to the main menu, UE5 does not like Lua threads...
But normal level loads will work fine after spawning!
- +1 Trait Point
- each time you activate this script you get +1 trait point
- Refund Trait Points
- as title says, resets all traits and you get all the spended points back
- Replenish All
- gives you full health + ammo + mod charges + dragon hearts
- Set Current Weapon Full Auto + Super Fire-Rate
- you current equipped weapon will shoot full auto with a high rate of fire, you might need to activate this again (e.g if you die)
- Set Current Weapon Damage To X?
- open a input field that allows to set the desired damage amount of the current weapon, you might need to activate this again (e.g if you die)
- No Damage Fall Off At Range
- as title says
- God Mode
- toggles the god flag, you might need to activate this again ( e.g reloading your savegame )
- Disable Sway
- No Recoil
- Replenish Dragon Hearts
- Replenish Ammo
- Charge Mod
- Inf. Ammo Clip
- Inf. Reserve Ammo
- commands:
- Slomo x ( replace x with any number, e.g 2 = double speed )
- KillSelf ServerLeaveDungeon ( works ofc only IF you are currently in a dungeon )
- TravelToLastCheckpoint
- ReplenishAllResources
- RefundAllTraitPoints
Table by cfemen [11.18 Kb] (downloads: 2)
Update [11.2 Kb] (downloads: 1)
Gamepass [493.16 Kb] (downloads: 1)
How to Run:
- Run Cheat Engine, “Load” and select the table
- “Select a process to open”, select the Game process.
- Select option, put a cross.
- You can download Cheat Engine here.