God Mode/Ignore Hits 无敌模式/无视伤害判定
Infinite Health 无限生命值
No Debuff 免疫状态
Max Valor Surge 满勇气激增
Stealth Mode 潜行模式
Infinite Oxygen and Weapon Stamina 无限氧气和武器耐力
Infinte Skill Point 无限技能点数
XP Multi 20 on Gain 经验值20倍获得
XP Multi 100 on Gain 经验值100倍获得
Infinite Jump 无限跳跃
Teleport to Waypoint 瞬移至标记位置 * UPDATED
Infinite Item and Arrow Use 物品、弓箭使用不减
Ignore Craft and Update Required 无视制作和升级需求
One Hit Kill 一招致命
Author FullCodes
horizon-forbidden-west-complete-edition-v1_0_38_0-14-trainer-by-fullcodes-20240323_exe.zip [7.72 Mb] (downloads: 0)