- Trainer / Cheat Engine TableWHAT CAN THE CHEAT TABLE DO?
-No decrease ammo/items *can turn it on when crafting and your items will still stay*
-Free food consume - NOT on hot bar
-On hot bar
*Items in your bag and hot bar is not the same, so I'm just set both as the same hotkey. Of course you can do whatever u want if understand*
-Tech&Talent Point
*After turn it on, click the RESET TALENT button at Tech Tree tab to update Tech Point, learn anything once to update Talent Point or hardly work to level up then all things will update *
-EXP income (edit amount on script) *open the script and replace #0 to any amount u want like #1234, #9999,...*
-Double income items (at least an item in stack)
-Editable income items (at least an item in stack)
-When split items - to 4k items a time - just broke
*What I just did is break the amount value, then it become a damn big number haha. After the stack is glitched out, turn off the script and keep split it 'till it's normal.* CAUTION: YOU DON"T WANT TO THROW ALL 4K ITEMS ON THE GROUND AND OTHERS SAW IT
Or just use the "Editable income items (at least an item in stack)" above
-When add bigger than stack limit - thousand items a time
Table by khanhkhoktvn
icarus-win64-shipping.ct [31.8 Kb] (downloads: 0)