Gacha_Rarity, drop or treasure include higher rarity;
- Weight_MUL, weight / 100 ;
- Auto_HPMP_Regen_Plus, regen +5 (default) hp/mp per secs ;
- Exp_Gain_MUL, (work?) ;
- Recast_Timer_MUL, cooldown / 100 ;
- Money_GainSpend_MUL, gain/spend mul (+ve x4 , -ve x0.25) ;
- Consumable, including use skill book ;
UPD: 31.10.2023
Table by panraven
mistrogue_dev.ct [12 Kb] (downloads: 1)
How to Run:
- Run Cheat Engine, “Load” and select the table
- “Select a process to open”, select the Game process.
- Select option, put a cross.
- You can download Cheat Engine here.